Cultural activities provide an outlet for the talented and creative and often provide experiences that mould the lives of learners for the future.
They are an extremely important part of the school.
Cultural and extra-mural activities offered at the school include chess club, choir, debating, drama, drumming, first aid and public speaking.
Team awards, merit awards, half colours and full colours are awarded for dedication and excellence in these areas.
It takes one amazing chord of perfectly tuned harmony, one phrase that flows like a feather in the wind, and we are reminded time and time again why we love this artform so much.
Our love for the Djembe Drum enables us to keep up the vibrant, effervescent energy we are known for.
We love performing and jumped at every opportunity we could to perform after Covid-19 restrictions were lifted.
A way to see our world and understand our experiences and the experiences of others.
Marimba Beat
The sounds of the marimbas drift through the school corridors in the afternoons as the players practise their craft.
Public Speaking
If you can speak, you can influence. If you can influence, you can change lives.