Academic Support Programme

The school makes use of CAMI which is a computer-based education system that focuses on improving numeracy and literacy . It is used mostly for remediation. Learners are able to work at their own pace and in some instances an increase of between 10% and 20% has been noted in a term. Girls working with CAMI tend to show improved self-confidence in the subject and it helps with self-discipline.

CAMI Maths is available for grades 8 to 12.

Girls who are weak in any of the core subjects (English, Afrikaans, Mathematics) are required to attend a one hour extra lesson per week per subject.

The Maths Centre is open every afternoon of the week to any learner who would like to do revision or extra work and teachers are available to provide assistance where required.
Extra tuition is offered after school in all subjects for learners in all grades and is given free of charge.

Learners are assisted with organizational skills, accountability and time management. Study Skills courses are offered for a termโ€™s duration at the request of learners.

Parents are encouraged to be involved as much as possible with their childrenโ€™s education. The Schoolโ€™s default system notifies parents early of potential problem areas. Learners who need extremely close supervision are placed on daily report. Their academic progress and behaviour are monitored in every lesson and this information is made available to the parents concerned.

Parents Evenings are also held where all educators are available to discuss each learnerโ€™s progress.